Matt Fowler


Matt has been part of Paradigm Norton or associated companies since the beginning. He left the small business world to join KPMG as a senior retail banking management consultant in 2005 and re-joined the Paradigm Norton family in 2009. The KPMG environment provided him with valuable training and experience for the role and responsibilities he now undertakes within Paradigm Norton.

Matt is a board member, chairs the Paradigm Norton senior leadership team and oversees acquisition integration alongside implementing the operational strategy for the business. He is a Chartered Financial Planner, Chartered Accountant and Fellow of the Personal Finance Society.

He is passionate about impacting the lives of clients and the opportunity Paradigm Norton has to make a positive impact on wider society.

Outside of work
Matt is the proud owner of 4 home-schooled kids, a cat, dog and varying numbers of chickens/ducks. He is a foster carer, ‘runner’, infrequent cycler to work and enjoys a kick about and the occasional band session whenever the opportunity arises.